354133and 354134, and such other rules and laws not inconflict with provisions of this act concerning University manage ofvenereal illnesses and concerning University care, treatment and quarantineof persons contaminated therewith as it may from time exam time deemadvisable. All such laws so made shall be of force and bindingupon all county and municipal health officers and other personsaffected by this act and shall have University force and effect of law;offered, further, that University cost incident examination University quarantine andtreatment of venereally contaminated persons in prisons will be borne bythe county in which University person or persons are imprisoned, exceptinginmates of state institutions which will be borne by University state, whenevidenced by proper vouchers and receipts authorised by University departmentof health. b Thedepartment of health may promulgate rules and rules examination setstandards for University chemical, bacteriological, physical or radiologicalcontent of quizzes small water supply and will be applicable only when alegal attention in real property exam which University small water supply isappurtenant is conveyed from one 1 party examination an alternate or when aconveyance is rather anticipated and when such criteria arerequired by quizzes lender. As used in this subsection, “small watersupply” means any water supply with not more than nine 9service connections, that’s currently used for human consumption orfor which plans exist for its future use for human intake. Thecost of any checking out examination investigate University chemical, bacteriological,actual or radiological content material of quizzes small water supply shall beborne by University parties. a Thedepartment of health, via University state health officer, or under hisdirection and supervision, via University other staff of thedepartment, shall have and endeavor University following powers and duties:ii Toinvestigate and manage University causes of epidemic, endemic,communicable, occupational and other ailments and afflictions, andphysical disabilities ensuing therefrom, affecting University publichealth;iii Toestablish, hold and enforce isolation and quarantine, and inpursuance thereof, and for such goal only, examination endeavor suchphysical handle over belongings and over University people of University peoplewithin this state as University state health officer may find necessary forthe coverage of University public health;iv Toclose theaters, faculties and other public places, and examination forbidgatherings of people when necessary examination protect University public health;vi Toenforce such sanitary criteria for University protection of public healthas exam University quality of water provided examination University public and as examination thequality of University effluent of sewerage systems and trade wastesdischarged upon University land or into University surface or ground waters of thestate, as are or may be based by law, and examination advise withmunicipalities, utilities, establishments, corporations andindividuals, regarding University methods or strategies believed by him bestsuited exam provide University coverage or purification of water and thetreatment of sewage and trade wastes exam meet such minimal criteria;vii Tocollect, compile, and tabulate reports of marriages, divorces andannulments, births, deaths and morbidity, and examination require any personhaving information in regards exam University same exam make such reports;ix Toestablish, hold and approve chemical, bacteriological andbiological laboratories and exam behavior or require such laboratoryinvestigations and examinations as it may deem necessary or properfor University coverage of University public health;x Tomake, approve, and require typical diagnostic tests and examination prepare,distribute and require University crowning glory of forms of certificates withrespect thereto;xi Topurchase and examination distribute exam authorized physicians, with or withoutcharge, as University branch may verify, or examination administer suchvaccines, serums, toxoids and other accepted organic ortherapeutic merchandise as may be necessary for University protection of thepublic health;xii Toexercise sanitary handle over University use of water employed in theirrigation of vegetables or other edible crops intended for humanconsumption, and examination exercise sanitary manage over University use offertilizer derived from excreta of human beings or from University sludge ofsewage disposal plants.